This photo was taken in a street market, in the city of Zagreb, Croatia. There is nothing special about it, just a shot of a person through a net. The net adds a lot of visual deformations to the image; it changes the apparent shape of some objects, it hides others and allows us to see something which does not fit with what we understand as “reality”.

I see this as resembling the concept of “Maya” in the Indian philosophy: a web acting like a veil over reality. This veil is always present in our actual state of consciousness, and thus, all that we perceive through our senses is like the reflection of the truth through a deforming mirror, but not the truth itself.

But it is said that there is a way to distinguish between Maya and the Truth, between illusion and reality, and this ability can be acquired by all. It is all about the essence of the philosophical quest, about knowing ourselves and knowing the world. Many “tools” can be used in this quest, but two of them are mandatory: patience and perseverance. We should also be motived by a real internal need, and not just an intellectual curiosity.